Looking over your shoulder

You know when you look over your shoulder
And see how far you’ve come.

You recall the times when you said:
Enough is enough
I’m done
I know I’m worthy of better
I know I’m deserving of more
I know it with every cell of my being that
I’m making it
I’m winning
No matter what
No matter what
No matter what!

The fighting spirit
That resilient soul
The determined mind
Bring them all on board
And walk through the fire of transformation
So that one day

You’ll look over your shoulder and say:
I made it
With faith
With courage
With Source
Through the tears and the pain
Through the joy
Through the ecstasy
Through the fears
To your story of inevitable success
Inevitable soul growth
Inevitable manifestations
Inevitable wins after wins after wins
Because you did it from love, for love, with love.

Remember, life is today so follow your heart. It knows the way, Leila

Ps, I have 2 spaces available for ambitious, soul-led women leaders who is ready to accelerate her success in business and life. DM ‘Next Level’ for the details and link

Pps, And if you haven’t done so already, join my Soul-led trailblazers group on FB HERE

Listen on my podcast: HERE