I’m out of alignment if I’m not teaching in schools AND I’m also out of alignment if I’m not coaching, mentoring and empowering soul-led women and leaders.

Yesterday, I sat with a 10 year old visually impaired boy in class. He has a laptop for his schoolwork and as we were going through the lesson, he had to bring the laptop up to his nose to even see the text, to open a new page, to find the letters, to write a few words, to delete a mis-spelling, to think of answers to the questions, He’s a smart boy, an obviously needs the support. He made my day as we laughed and did school work.

During one of my classes, I spent some time life-coaching a group of older girls who are going through crippling anxiety around friendships, school, family and life.. It was such a pleasure to chat, banter and support them for a little bit. These are priceless moments.

There are plenty of other experiences I could share which have saddened me (I’ve been a teacher all my life, and side-stepped my assistant headteacher post about 10 years ago). I’mma fierce mama-bear at heart and would do anything to never see a child suffer.

It’s re-lit this fire inside of me to be of use, to be of service and use alllllllll my skills, capabilities and abilities to help those that I am guided and led to help.

Why would I waste my divine gifts by just doing one thing?

I remembered yesterday that I had never decided to leave teaching. I said a prayer to God in 2011 ‘If I’m meant to be back in the classroom, I trust you’ll guide me back. In the meantime I trust this vision of my dream business. Following my heart every step of the way and trusting the process’. One absolute firm decision I made was that I’m never going back to full-time teaching – the system doesn’t care about my mental health or wellbeing. It’s actually not their responsibility to, so I take care of me. I’ve been asked a few times to go back into senior management in schools and it’s a firm no!

Throughout my full-time teaching career, I had business endeavours on the side – I would make beautiful gifts cards, beaded jewellery which truly were exquisite!, crochet baby blankets and loads of other entrepreneurial things going on. It was always about unleashing my creativity and using my time for what it was gifted for: to be of service helping others.

Even whilst building my business, when schools have asked me to come in and help, I’ve done so – if I wasn’t traveling, or it was on my non-coaching and course creation days. My company is my dream.
My trailblazers community of badass soul-led women and leaders going after their dreams, loving herself deeper, manifesting money like magic, and changing the world with her beautiful heart and soul is what lights me up! And I am soooo excited about this next chapter we’re in (watch this space for some new thangs coming up! 🙂 )

Here’s the thing – I have the best of both worlds. And, I now understand why I wasn’t feeling fulfilled…I was fighting/resisting God’s pull for me to be in schools…helping children who need me. I was also pushing to grow my business faster than it was meant to. My happy balance is helping, creating and being of service wherever my soul leads me – regardless of what the ego wants. I would be wasting my life if I didn’t use and share all my gifts how they were intended to be used.

So, happy days!

I love it when my life is full with diverse experiences , abundant, fun and filled with conversations with people from all walks of life, who want to be the best they can be…children ad adults. My life is rich in soooo many ways and my heart is full of self-love and gratitude for following my own destined path, no matter how it looks to others!

Let me know – who was your favourite teacher at school? Or what is one lesson a teacher taught you?

Remember, as always life is today so follow your heart. It knows the way x