Yes, it’s hard.
To see your shadow in front of your eyes.
Yes, it’s hard.
To feel it as close as the blood in your veins
Yes it’s hard to accept that fear might have got ahead of itself and taken over your steering wheel.
Remember that fear shrinks in the face of being seen.
Fear shrinks in the face of courage.
Fear shrinks in the face of bravery.
Fears shrinks in the face of your own unconditional love.
Take back the steering wheel.
You’re the driver of your own destiny.
Fear is the passenger.
It’s not going anywhere because it’s part of your journey.
It’s like a faithful friend reminding you that spiritual bypassing is never the answer.
Its limited perspective has a bucketful of wisdom, lessons in empathy and forgiveness and a depth of character only it can teach.
Take back the steering wheel.
Come back to your heart and those big dreams.
You can absolutely have those big dreams – you can have it all!
Of course, fear will come along for the ride because it’s meant to fuel your fire;
Your self belief.
Your determination…
Your trust in yourself and the universe…
Your faith in your imagination and capabilities.
So it’s time,
Take back the steering wheel.
Go all in.
Curious at how everything will unfold.
Courageously loving fear every step of the way.
Comment YES if you are taking back the steering wheel in 2021 >>
Remember, life is today so follow your heart it knows the way. Leila x
Audio version here:…/Walking-hand-in-hand-with-fear…
Ps, My Magnetic Soul Mastermind is the ultimate manifestation experience, ideal for the women who want to go deeper. Deeper into her feminine leadership, activate her core essence for accelerated manifestations and get it done in real time. We start on January 10th – Dm any questions. Details and sign up here: