Soulpreneurs Mastermind
Uplevel your energy, mindset & strategy in business so that you can manifest your soul-aligned customers & increase your revenue with ease.

When I first started my business, I felt deeply how spiritual the journey was.
Meaning, the process to manifest is energetic: Knowing the thoughts of what you want, don’t want and how to call in your desires
The energy behind the strategies: Your intention, your alignment for that particular strategy (Webinars work for some people and not others, funnels work for some people and not others, livestreams work for some and not others, daily blogs, no social media, selling in DMs etc etc)
The creative outlet as your products and services: Unleashing your unique creativity comes from within. If it’s trapped then you could be doing the cookie-cutter thing like everyone else. If you’re creativity is flowing then you’re creating/unleashing whats right and true for you from a deeper place within.
Being selective about your right-fit people: Not everyone is for us.
Not everyone gels or ‘gets’ your vibe. And that’s totally cool! I’ve always been black and white about it – it is what it is, those who get you, get you .Those who don’t, don’t! And the beauty with this energy is that you get to call in only your soul-mate audience, customers, clients and you get to have a ball whilst being yourself, impacting others and receiving abundance in all it’s forms. You get to connect heart and soul with YOUR people. It’s the kind of vibe which is al goosebumps and sincere cheerleading.
Moving through fear with courage: Stepping out of your comfort zone, standing out amongst your friends and family, doing something different maybe as the first in your family, stepping into the unknown everyday, getting to accelerate your personal growth through entrepreneurship and getting up each day with a pocketful of faith, a pocketful of trust and renewed confidence that your dreams are coming true is next level spiritual – and most people never choose to tap into this level of mastery.
But you did and for that I want to commend you.

Your stories matter.
Your work is valued.
Your efforts are being rewarded.
Your dedication, commitment and time is seen and felt.
You’re changing the world and creating invisible ripple effects of love & transformation. You’ll never know You’re changing the world and creating invisible ripple effects of love and transformation. You’ll never know that impact of – when you help one woman, she passes on the positive energy to someone in her family or network and someone else passes it on beyond that and so on.
Keep moving forward through the peaks and valleys and trust that you are becoming the woman of your own dreams, day by day, heartbeat by heart beat.
I move in the realm of fire, magic and miracles with one foot firmly grounded in strategy and process. This is how I love to serve my audience and customers. And it’s also how my female entrepreneur clients love to explore, flow and manifest. Customers and sales come out of the blue, energy is rearranged, soul-aligned strategy is tapped into and digital courses, programs and services are created and sold within hours.
I’m running a 1/2 day business mastermind for the soulpreneur who feels this. Trust your intuition, you know. Come and join us for some next level creativity, momentum and up levels.

About the Mastermind
Focus areas covered & all you questions answered on:
- Soul led success
- Marketing
- Social Media
- Audience nurturing and growth
- Values, Standards & Boundaries in business
- Manifesting & quantum leaps
- Creating a product suite/digital products that light you up

I can’t wait to create some business magic with you!
Ps, I just got off a call with one of my clients who has brought in £7500 this week and is on target to bring in £10,000 before the end of the month. Who she is becoming is next level and her mindset and spiritual growth is beautiful. You get to have this too
About Leila
Self- Mastery Mentor
One thing that’s evident about me is that I am passionate about teaching women how to love
herself deeper and honour her divine gifts.
I’ve always had an original intention to help women manifest more money, manifest less drama and pain and follow her heart with courage.
I look back at my 40 years and know that I’ve accomplished what I am meant to up to this point and there is still more.
For the past 7 years, I have been helping soul-led, ambitious men and women
to get back on track with their true purpose, overcome obstacles with ease and manifest
successful personal lives and businesses.
My trailblazer community has been growing and continues to go from strength to strength – I love my tribe so much!
I’m the coach that will always integrate and embody higher wisdom, deeper truths and
authentically walk my path – part of my mission is make sure no woman who comes into my
magical world leaves without remembering her true divine power; you’re here to manifest more
money, increase your frequency and live a life on your terms no matter what others have said
you’re capable of.
In my powerful coaching containers and courses,
I hold space for you to explore the magic that is within!
Remember, life is today so follow your heart it knows the way, Leila x