Settling for less but wanting more

There’s always been a stirring in your heart,

A fire in your belly,

Telling you something you’ve always felt..

“There’s more for you, you didn’t come here to settle for second best – keep the dreams alive”

More joy, more money, more freedom, more excitement, more love..

You want to see what you’re made of.

You want to be the kind of woman who can stand on her own two feet.

You want to taste the deliciousness of what you’re really made of.

You want to see what you can achieve when you back yourself all the way.

You know it’s in you: the fire in your belly tells you so.

Until, life happened.

Settling for less than you deserve was never meant to be an option.

The dreams of financial independence were locked away.

The money coming in was enough to live on, to get by.

But the stirring in your heart was for more.

For thousands. For millions. For choices. For Freedom. For creative expression.

That fire in your belly and stirring of your heart is there again.

This time though you’re not compromising:

You’re choosing your passion and making money from it.

Being yourself and making money with trust.

Helping others with all your heart and soul and making money along the way.

Your claiming your riches with ease and doing it by being the best, most excellent version of yourself.

You never had to settle.

You never had to put the lock on the suitcase and push it to the back of the cupboard.

The feeling of possibilities is awakening!
Lit up!
Infinite possibilities are yours and you know it!

Back into alignment.

Back into soul integrity.

Back into the land of joy stirring with excitement at the unknown adventure ahead,

Bubbling with certainty knowing that abundance was always yours.

You just had to decide to no longer settle for less.

Remember, life is today so follow your heart, it knows the way. Leila x

Drop some 🔥 if you’re claiming your truth!

Ps, My Magnetic Soul Mastermind is opening up soon. DM for details.

Audio version here: I so loved recording this one!…/Settling-for-less-but-wanting-more…