Oh, there’s beauty on other side of fear?

I call it the golden jump – the moment when you feel the fear and do it anyway.

The moment when you know that you are backed against a wall (your own invisible wall) and you have two choices – stay the same or change.

Keep playing the story of fear/lies/illusions or courageously imagine the freedom on the other side. Making the golden jump.

You’ve told yourself the story a million times of how you can’t do it. Make the golden jump: You can.

You’ve told yourself many times what if I fail? Make the golden jump: You can’t fail, you can only learn.

You’ve told yourself what will people think? Make the golden jump: They are more concerned with their own stories! You have a promise to your soul to honour.

LISTEN FOR MORE and let me know your thoughts – are you making the golden jump in 2021? 

Remember, life is today so follow your heart. It knows the way, Leila x

Comment <3 if you are facing your fears and doing it anyway in 2021!

Ps, My Magnetic Soul Mastermind is now OPEN! For the soul-led, ambitious woman is who ready to leap into her next version, taking ownership of her feminine essence and manifesting more money and success with sass. DM ‘Magnetic Soul’ for details. We start January 10th.

Follow my blog here: www.leilakhanauthor.com