Awaken the courage within x

A few days ago, I shared a post on social media reminding others of how we can all face our fears with ONE INNER MUSCLE.

Fears are a normal part of the human experience and a great pointer of where we need to do some inner work in order to move forward.

The thing is that most people don’t know how to face their fears and tend to remain stuck, held back or afraid. 

The thing is there IS a way out and through your fears.

And, that is with courage. 

For me, courage is the ultimate inner muscle we can cultivate. it’s an absolute requirement to progression – with courage comes movement, with courage comes change. CLICK HERE TO WATCH

Fear is compassionately healed and transformed with courage, allowing you to keep moving towards your dream happiness and business. 

Courage is a choice. On the one hand we’ve got fear. On the other we have Love. The bridge in between? Courage. Choose love over fear for the miracles that are yours, if only you’d believe in them 💕

Share below – where can you be more courageous? What fears can you let go of?

Remember, you’ve definitely got it within you to make your dreams come true, FOR SURE!

Leila x