No-one else can do your ‘job’ of self-love but you #leilaswisevibes .

I couldn’t do it – I couldn’t look in my eyes & tell myself ‘I love you’.
I could only tell myself “I hate you, you’re not good enough”.
In my mind, I would hear the voices of those that had called me ugly, butters (a slang word for very ugly), you’re not pretty like the other girls, you can’t do anything right, you should be ashamed for being a girl, and so much more.
Aside from other people’s opinions, my own judgment around self-love was deeply marred by abuse growing up (physical, emotional, sexual) alongside self-criticism and inner violence.
Until, I came to the point where I hated hating myself in 2009. Single, divorced, estranged. Just me, myself and I. I had caged my heart like a prison and no-one else was allowed in. I realised I had to open my heart and heal my hurts.
It was time for me to have my own back on all levels. It was time to embrace every aspect of myself. To be kind, loving, respectful and appreciative of my value and presence. No one else could love me unconditionally like I needed to love myself!
So, it was time to look into my eyes and sincerely mean ‘I love you’ without any hurtful internal dialogue.
It took years of healing my inner shadows, self-care, forgiveness, mirror work, reprogramming my unconscious mind, journalling, counselling, NLP coaching, somatics, EFT, reiki and soo much more to get to this place 💕
The place where loving myself is a pleasure simply because I like myself.
The place where I accept that it’s my own duty and responsibility to be kind to myself.
And, the place where I now teach others how to heal, trust and love unconditionally with an open heart. By doing so, she is able to open up her receiving capacity of all the abundance, happiness, wealth, health and success she desires.
Here’s the thing about self-love: No-one else can do your ‘job’ of self-love but you #leilaswisevibes .
And that’s an amazing thing! Embrace who you are, and enjoy yourself as much as others enjoy you too #lifeistoday
Ps, want to learn how to love yourself unconditionally? Sign up for a FREE downloadable version of my book 101+ Ways To Overcome Life’s Biggest Obstacles
Pps, pic is from my 1st photoshoot in 2013. Progress 😉
Share below, what do you love about yourself? What do you recognise you could love more about yourself?