Coming back home to yourself…

Reconnect to the core of who you are
To the essence of your light
To the frequency of your original blueprint
To the feelings and emotions that make you fully human

Reconnect to the innocence of how wonderfully you were made
Before all the rules came in telling you to dim down, pipe down, disappear…

Reconnect to the lost parts of yourself
The parts that were unintentionally abandoned, rejected or disowned.
Transform them by holding them, owning them, healing and loving them back to life.

Reconnect to the lost parts of yourself
The parts of yourself called joy, creativity, fun and laughter.

Reconnect to the abundance of who you are.
A deep well full of:
An abundance of love
An abundance of prosperity
An abundance of creativity
An abundance of action
An abundance of self-expression
An abundance of transformation

Reconnect to your inner Source
To the part of you that is beyond the body
The magical ball of hidden potential just waiting to be acknowledged
Waiting to be tapped into
Waiting to be used fully in this lifetime
Waiting to be used for what it was given Life is such a blessing,
Purpose is such a gift
And feeling alive, not just being alive, is how it all connects together. #leilaswisevibes

The beauty of every single moment is that you can always start again, change your mind, course correct, reconnect and come back home to your heart and source over and over again. Reconnect. Recommit. Restart.

Remember, life is today so follow your heart. It knows the way, Leila x

Ps, For this weekend only my book is FREE, just pay shipping! And receive over £1000 worth of bonuses. Order here: HERE

Pps, I also have a new LIVE course called Trajectory – On purpose, in your purpose with confidence, conviction & certainty. DM for details.

Podcast: HERE