End anxiety around money

End anxiety around money

🌟Do you feel worry, stress, anxiety or overwhelm when you think about money? 🌟Do you want to manifest more money into your life? 🌟Are you a business woman or aspiring business woman who feels uncomfortable charging what the value of your product/ service is worth? 🌟Do...
Personal Growth and Manifesting Abundance

Personal Growth and Manifesting Abundance

Personal Growth and Manifesting abundance – Let’s talk about personal growth and manifestation (of money, dream relationships, career progression, business growth etc)- There are two ways to live…with conscious awareness and without conscious awareness. When we...
How I spent my Christmas Day on my own; alone and so loved!

How I spent my Christmas Day on my own; alone and so loved!

How I spent my Christmas Day on my own; alone and so loved! There is an expectation that on a festivity we must spend it with other people. Birthdays, Eid, Christmas’, Diwali, Hanukkah etc That we must not be alone because that means we must be lonely and not good...
How to be more courageous and reclaim your personal power

How to be more courageous and reclaim your personal power

How to be more courageous and reclaim your personal power   You may know that I LOVE words! Languages and communication has been part of my personal and professional journey ever since I was born. I grew up bilingually speaking Punjabi/Urdu and English. I was...