Get it out of your system! [3 tips below]

I love to talk. I’m not really into small talk & much prefer deep & meaningful real talk.
But I didn’t always find it so easy to dive deep. In fact, as a child I was often so quiet you wouldn’t know I was even in the room!
Being so quiet wasn’t healthy in my case because I was seething with anger & rage inside.
• I didn’t know how to express my emotions or feelings.
• I didn’t know what it meant to talk about my feelings because school didn’t teach emotional intelligence.
• I was so angry because my NO was ignored or dismissed.
• I was so angry because my YES was not an honest yes.
As a child, repressed emotions became trapped within my system which led to me bursting with fury. It was my ‘enough is enough’ epiphany.
And from that moment onwards, keeping my emotions & feelings hidden, judged or shamed was no longer an option.
The healthy way to take care of your mental well-being is to get it out of your system (your body)
Three tips for you:
1. Write through journalling. Grab a notebook and write out your feelings, thoughts and stories.
2. Mirror work – Look into your eyes and speak out what you’re keeping inside. Throughout it hold yourself with compassion, kindness and love
3. Seek a professional who can help you to work through any challenges you’ve experienced in the past or are currently going through.
Know that you are always loved & valuable x
SHARE BELOW: How do you prefer to get stress out of your system? Reply back and let me know!
Remember, you’ve definitely got it within you to make your dreams come true, for sure.
Leila x
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