You’re the driving force of nature

Did you forget?
You’re the driving force of nature…

Did you misplace your inner truth?
You’re the driving force of nature…

The force of life exists within you
This life force is your divine power

The power of love – fierce, soft, unwavering, present…
The power of manifestation – creative, easy,
The power of transformation – Phoenix rising never beaten down
The power of success – unapologetically claiming every single divine desire

You’re the driving force of your success
You’re the driving force of your transformation
You’re the driving force rising from the ashes as the Phoenix
You’re the driving force of your highest potential being fully realised in this lifetime
So awaken trailblazer!
Wake up to your infinite power and use it to evolve and grow into your next iteration –
The one no-one has seen yet, many may underestimate you but not you..

The one you FEEL within you,
The one you deliriously daydream of
The one you know is just waiting to be set free

You’re the driving force of nature
And infinite potential is bubbling under the surface of fears
Just waiting to be tapped into
Ready to rise

Remember, life is today so follow your heart – it knows the way, Leila x

Q: If this has LIT you up, drop an emoji below!

Ps: Enrollment is now open for my new masterclass workshop next week: Change Your MindSet, Rewrite Your Story on Tues 5pm UK. I’ll show you how to chart your personal transformation over the next 12 months with soul-led action steps so that you can write the story of an amazing life and experience it in real time. Sign up HERE.

Listen on my podcast HERE.