The adventure of becoming you
Yes yes, you may have heard me say a gazillion times that the answers are within you. You have it within you to make your dreams come true. You have the answers inside of you. It’s true!
Outside of me, life was not safe. Outside of me and around me, there was violence, there was pain on all levels – emotional, mental, physical, and in many ways spiritually. Growing up I experienced physical, emotional, mental and sexual abuse. Outside of me life did not feel safe – most humans felt like a threat and generally it felt as if there was a lot stacked against me being muslim, asian and female.
The gold for me was that my inner world always felt safe. I had this inner sense of calm and protection. As an introvert it was easier to connect within myself, to my heart and soul.
It was harder to live in a world that has a gazillion rules that you have to fit into, otherwise you’re rejected/abandoned/ostracised or just not welcomed wholeheartedly.
The more I retreated from the outside world, the more I connected to my inner world. It’s there I discovered the treasures, the gold, the wisdom, the safety, the soul certainty: the ‘answers within’.
I’ve not shared just how painful the traumas were in this post How debilitating the PTSD was (and can still be once in a while). How being at rock bottom was like hell.
But there was always a light on. The light of my soul. The light of love from God, the universe, my badass angel crew. The light of miracles. The light of faith. The light of adventure.
The adventure has always been about seeing past the illusions, the BS, the lies, the deception, the manipulation, the hidden agendas and instead coming back to Truth. Coming back to being myself. To exploring what lights me up, what excites me, what satisfies me & fulfils my wild, creative nature.
To keep my promise to my 12yr old self that I want to FEEL alive, not just be alive.
And this is where the answers are within you. Nothing outside of you can stop you from becoming the best you.
You get to tap in and activate your inner potential.
You have that spark of creativity within you.
You get to be authentically confident and self-assured because you know what you know.
You get to be secure in your inner self – the knowing that only comes when you have decide to sit with your soul & your divine nature.
You get to manifest your deepest desires simply because you want to.
This is the adventure of becoming you. Not one person outside of you can ever tell you how to be you. It’s up to you to discover your inner diversity & truth. And, along the way you’ll meet guides like me who continue to walk the path of light & truth, no matter how dark the shadows get.
You’ll never know what you’re made of until you’ve seen it within #leilaswisevibes
Remember trailblazer, life is today: you’re the hero you’ve been looking for.
Leila x
Ps, Space are now open for my Rise Up private 1:1 coaching container. We work together to help you realign, allow and receive your deepest desires. Send me a DM for details and to apply. Your heart knows the way x