The Alchemist within you.
The shadows within you may seem scary, may seem too heavy.
It may feel like the depression or the darkness is too heavy to bear.
It may feel like you’re stuck and this is how you’ll always feel.
The truth is the darkness that exists within can only be because there is just as much light within you.
There is always a dance between the dark and light taking place.
The dance is where the light that you are transmutes the darkness that exists.
Your own light – your own love is the divine gift whose purpose it is to alchemise the dark; to turn lead into gold. To turn pain into wisdom. The darkness is only too heavy to bear when you’ve forgotten the light that you are #leilaswisevibes
I learnt at an early age that there was a flame that burns bright through my soul.
A flame that serves a powerful purpose – to help me turn trauma & pain to light & love.
We can all get so caught up in the stories of pain when it’s actually the triumph that we came here celebrate. The journey of moving through the contrast into the light, over and over again.
There is nothing or no-one that can break you, nothing at all (Trust me, I’m saying this from experience).
Turn your focus inwards, sit with the pain, bring love into that space and then let go of the darkness. Allow the wisdom to come through in it’s own time, in it’s own way. It surely will.
Remember, life is today. You’re the hero you’ve been looking for. Leila x
Spaces are now open for my Rise up 1:1 private coaching. DM ‘Rise up’ for details & the application form. Let’s get you thriving beyond your wildest dreams!