Sit with the anger.
Sit with the pain.
Sit with the stories running through you,
Sit with the inner violence,
The unmet love, the unmet needs.
Get yourself comfortable with the uncomfortable within and be ready to do this: Meet those parts of yourself with unconditional love. With gentle care. With tenderness.
The child within you needs & wants to be acknowledged, hugged & loved.

Remind those parts that you are loved, you are safe, it’s time to let the anger transform into compassion. Loved, hugged and released X . #leilaswisevibes

To take your personal growth to the next level of abundance and inner freedom,




#lovewins #loveoverfearalways #lifeistoday #leilaswisevibes #leadwithyourheart #leadwithme #truelove #transformandthrive #transformation #nextlevel #entrepreneur
#overcomedepression #business