Create a life of memories that make the most of each day


A few days ago, I had a heart-warming chat with a friend about our memories and the good ol’ times. 
We talked about the photos we’ve collected and the videos we’ve captured of moments filled with laughter, filled with tears…of joy 😉 and travel experiences.
She preceded to show me REAL photo albums of her social media posts that she collated and got printed off – they were AMAZING! (Yep, people still print off photos! Check it out here (I’m not an affiliate) 
As she showed me page after page, I saw that each photo is a STORY IN ITSELF.  Imagine that – every memory is a story in itself. #leilaswisevibes 


I have always been an avid photographer and a ‘collector of experiences’. The reason being because when it’s our time to pass on, all we’re going to take with us are memories – and rather than just let life pass me by, I INTENTIONALLY create memories. 
Making someone laugh, being silly, listening to someone by turning of my inner chatter, have real deep and meaningful conversations (I don’t do small talk!) And leaving with a hug or a high five! 
Here’s the thing – my life could have turned out very differently, with a different type of memories…a box full of violence, anger, hatred, depression, fear and trauma…
But I made a choice:
A choice to choose love.
A choice to choose the sunshine rather than the mud.
A choice to create joy rather than more depression and anxiety.
I made a choice to see God’s love, not the fears of hu/mans.
Seeing past the illusions of pain and choosing instead love’s way.
So, for all the memories that I have, my heart is full and wealthy x

You may be wondering how do we make a box of memories that will always warm our hearts and fill our mind with beautiful pictures?


Here are 10 ways for you!

  1. Make a CHOICE of the kind of life you want: One of experiences, adventures, excitement or one of routine, structure, no change…


  1. Step out of your comfort zone every day. Nothing interesting happens in the place where everything is the same, same, same! Challenge yourself daily and remember that there is soooo much more to life that you realise.


  1. Turn EVERY OPPORTUNITY into an experience that you’ll make the most out of – talk to people, be serious about learning more and get curious by asking questions, say yes to doing cool things more than you say no, and TRUST yourself – everything is fine!


  1. Talk to ‘strangers’ i.e friends you’re yet to say ‘Hi, how are you?’ to 😉


  1. Be a vessel of love by focusing on the positive and NOT getting attached to the negative aspects of life. Love is what we’re here to experience ; not a life of fears and negative stories.


  1. Make the most out of your life – you’re not here to just plod trough! Change things up every once in a while and make a point to value your happiness. Your happiness matters, but no one can make you as happy as you desire -that’s your choice and your way.


  1. Forgive others and yourself – This, to me, is the ULTIMATE way. Forgive, yourself and others…every day in every moment. For you. Not for them. For you. So you are not carrying pain, hurt and anger in your body, your energy field and your heart. Forgive and free yourself #leilaswisevibes 


  1. Keep believing in miracles with unconditional faith. No matter what happens, everything is ok! The divine Universe wants to give you all the good, EVERYTHING that you have ever asked for. I know for sure you’ve got this!


  1. Happiness requires effort through intention #leilaswisevibes – so if you want to be happy, set an intention like ‘Today, I am willing to be happy’ Today, I am choosing happiness’. Then, take actions that will bring you happiness.


  1. The same moment is NEVER going to come back again so make the most of it- And remember that life is today, right here and right now – THIS is the ONLY moment which exists. The past is already over. The future is a build up of every present moment – you get to co-create it 😉 #leilaswisevibes


Remember, you’ve definitely got it within you to make your dreams come true. Believe it, girl!


Share below, what are some of your favourite memories? What kind of memories would you like to make more of? x
What memories would you be able to create if you had more money? Money is an amazing tool and resource that creates opportunity for MEMORIES! So, are you ready to RISE UP and manifest money that will allow you to positively impact this world? If so, click here – Enrolment is currently OPEN!