Personal Growth and Manifesting abundance – Let’s talk about personal growth and manifestation (of money, dream relationships, career progression, business growth etc)- There are two ways to live…with conscious awareness and without conscious awareness. When we do not live from conscious awareness (unconsciously) we are not in control of our mind, heart and circumstances. We are living as a ‘victim’ if you will of unconsciousness. This whole journey of being a human being is about awakening to our awareness, our consciousness, our inner potential. We never came here to be ONE version of ourselves…we came here to be many versions. The many versions of ourselves present themselves as we go through life experiences, challenging times, obstacles, ups and downs and twist and turns as I like to say. What these obstacles present to us is actually opportunities to realize more of who we are, more of the true self, more of our true light self.
After going through a life of immense personal growth through hard times, adversities such as physical, mental, emotional and sexual abuse, being forced into an engagement which eventually led to a complete estrangement from my family, divorce, being cheated on, death threats and so much more, I learnt that life is always happening FOR us to be come the greatest version of ourselves. We are not meant to stay stuck in one version of ourselves. We are meant to evolve, to grow, to keep progressing. So, how can we go through these tough times without getting scared, stuck and depressed about a tough life? We all have to realize that in EVERY MOMENT we have the free will to CHOOSE an authentic, compassionate and positive mindset. By cultivating this kind of mindset over time, we are able to move through adversities like a blessing for our personal evolution. Oh, and our personal growth through these experiences is the HOW to living with more conscious awareness. That’s the blessing, that’s the gift, that’s the wisdom. When we ask ourselves what do I want? What do I need? What is true for me? And we tune into our PERSONAL ANSWERS then we manifest a life of millions, our dream relationships and so much more. What is meant for you will never pass you by, trust that. Trust the process is becoming the highest version of yourself. And, remember you’ve definitely got it within you to make your dreams come true. For sure! Share your thoughts below, let’s connect!