Dear, I know you need to hear this. I know that you feel as if today is another struggle, as if today is another day of inner turmoil. Today, take my hand and let me lead you to another space in time.
Within you, you have all the power in the world to be the amazing person that you know you are deep within. The pain that you feel is the disconnect from the image that you have in your mind.You really want to be that person, you really want to have those things, live the lifestyle, find the happiness, experience the joy and inner peace.And guess what, you can and you will. Learn to take the daily steps today to close the gap between your current life and the dream life that you know is yours waiting for you to have. Changes, my dear, take time. Especially those personal development changes. In order for us to evolve as a person, remember that your life experiences serve to help you be to become more of the person that you want to be.
Do you remember when you were little, and you really wanted to be like your favourite person in the world, your big brother or sister, like your best friend or cousin or like your mum or dad? By the time you reached your teens, you were a different person. You became a different person. Your personality had developed, your ideas were different, your capabilities had increased, maybe your imagination had become more creative, your dreams more alive, your inner fire of inspiration and motivation had been stirred.
Changes take time and we desperately need to let Time fulfil her purpose. Give time, time. Let the changes that are happening for you, in terms of your beliefs, in term of your new ideas, in term of your new plans, in terms of your new visualisations, in terms of you closing your dream gap and current life gap, let them get smaller.
Be aware that to get there it will take awakening your powerful innate skills of Courage, Persistence, Desire, Willpower, Motivation, Faith, Grace, Humility, Trust, & Intuition always combined with logic; In this moment, you can’t imagine just how powerful you are.
Changes are all about personal growth and the gap of the dream life and current life you have will not change in one instant, in one moment if there is no trust, faith, courage, patience and persistence of action. Whether that action is the smallest thing such as repeatedly writing down a strong and powerful affirmation, making a phone call asking for a something you need, or standing in front of your colleagues to present your value and expertise.
The place where you know that changes can take place is in your unconscious. You have the responsibility to CONSCIOUSLY feed your UNCONSCIOUS mind the words of support and love you need to hear. Just like you can feed yourself unpleasant and unkind language and images, you can flip that and feed yourself pleasant and kind words instead, in order to LIVE the changes that YOU are already asking for. The changes that you want need to take place at a conscious level as your spoken word, an unconscious level as mindset and belief changes, in your body as
muscle memory, in your heart as you let go of who you used to be and possibly in your environment. Make the most of the life that you have and allow time, to do what time is supposed to . . . allow the changes to be made as you go about your daily life.
The Truth of the matter is that you are capable of making small tiny changes on a consistent basis, which will inevitably lead to you looking back in 1 2 – 1 8 months, and thinking o yourself, wow I HAVE changed, I did improve, I am closer to my dreams, and I didn’t even notice. Trust your unconscious.All that you are asking for, is being given to you so openly receive with Faith and trust.
Speak soon, stay in touch and show yourself and the world how amazing you really are.
Over to you, what changes are you looking to make in your personal development? And, what’s getting in the way of making them happen?